In a project supported by the NASA Global Climate Change Education Project, a group of research scientists at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University
have been working with teachers and students at the Poudre and Greeley-Evans School Districts in Northern Colorado. We have created classroom modules that use NASA data sets
that teachers may use to instruct students about climate change. We take a cross-scale approach, using local demonstrations of climate change effects to put in
context regional and even global changes. While these modules have a local component, the content can easily be used by teachers from across the globe.
We have the following goals:
- Improve the science content knowledge and preparedness of middle and high school teachers
- Increase the science content knowledge of middle and high school students
- Increase the awareness, opportunities, and participation of middle and high school teachers in content-based professional development activities
- Broadly disseminate our model to districts across the country