
Cultivation events allow for the transfer of defined fractions (CULTRA(*), cult.100) of shoots, roots, standing dead and surface litter into standing dead, surface and soil litter pools as is appropriate. Thus the model can simulate a variety of conventional cultivation methods, such as plowing or sweep tillage, thinning operations or herbicide application. Each cultivation option also has parameters (CLTEFF(*), cult.100) for the multiplicative effect of soil disturbance by cultivation on organic matter decomposition rates for the structural, active, slow and passive pools. The values for these parameters typically range from 1.0 to about 5 with the actual value dependant on the degree of soil stirring and disruption caused by each implement.

If multiple cultivation events are scheduled for the same time, the maximum value of each parameter is used for the actual cultivation. Fractions are limited to the range 0-1. Factors are limited to the range 1-10.

Homogenization of the surface soil in the physical soil submodel occurs with cultivation. The depth of homogenization is proportional to the degree of disturbance as defined by the mean cultivation factor for decomposition due to disturbance, CLTEFF(*).

Cultivation can have a role in crop harvest events when the crop must not survive the harvest. In this case, use a "CULT KILL" event in the month following the harvest.

See Also

Cultivation Parameters
Soil Physical Structure Submodel