Forest C Output Variables

ACRCIS(1) - Growing season accumulator for unlabeled C production by isotope in forest system coarse root component (g m-2 year-1).

ACRCIS(2) - Growing season accumulator for labeled C production by isotope in forest system coarse root component (g m-2 year-1).

AFBCIS(1) - Growing season accumulator for unlabeled C production by isotope in forest system fine branch component (g m-2 year-1).

AFBCIS(2) - Growing season accumulator for labeled C production by isotope in forest system fine branch component (g m-2 year-1).

AFRCIS(1) - Growing season accumulator for unlabeled C production by isotope in forest system fine root component (g m-2 year-1).

AFRCIS(2) - Growing season accumulator for labeled C production by isotope in forest system fine root component (g m-2 year-1).

ALVCIS(1) - Growing season accumulator for unlabeled C production by in forest system leaf component (g m-2 year-1).

ALVCIS(2) - Growing season accumulator for labeled C production by in forest system leaf component (g m-2 year-1).

ALWCIS(1) - Growing season accumulator for unlabeled C production in forest system large wood component (g m-2 year-1).

ALWCIS(2) - Growing season accumulator for labeled C production in forest system large wood component (g m-2 year-1).

BMAXLF - Annual maximum monthly biomass of leaf and fine branch components (g C m-2).

BMAXR - Annual maximum monthly biomass of root components (g C m-2).

BMAXW - Annual maximum monthly biomass of coarse wood components (g C m-2).

BMAXWD - Annual maximum monthly biomass of aboveground dead wood components (g C m-2).

CPRODA - Annual accumulator of C production in crop/grassland + forest = net primary production (g m-2 year-1).

CPRODF - Monthly total forest C production (g m-2).

CROOTC - C in forest system coarse root component (g m-2).

CRTACC - Growing season accumulator for C production in forest system coarse root component (g m-2 year-1).

CRTCIS(1) - Unlabeled C in forest system coarse root component (g m-2).

CRTCIS(2) - Labeled C in forest system coarse root component (g m-2).

FBRACC - Growing season accumulator for C production in forest system fine branch component (g m-2 year-1).

FBRCHC - C in forest system fine branch component (g m-2).

FBRCIS(1) - Unlabeled C in forest system fine branch component (g m-2).

FBRCIS(2) - Labeled C in forest system fine branch component (g m-2).

FCACC - Growing season accumulator for C production in forest system (g m-2 year-1).

FROOTC - C in forest system fine root component (g m-2).

FRSTC - Sum of C in forest system live components ( RLEAVC + FROOTC + FBRCHC + RLWODC + CROOTC) (g m-2).

FRTACC - Growing season accumulator for C production in forest system fine root component (g m-2).

FRTCIS(1) - Unlabeled C in forest system fine root component (g m-2).

FRTCIS(2) - Labeled C in forest system fine root component (g m-2).

FSYSC - Total C in forest system i.e. sum of soil organic matter, trees, dead wood, forest litter (g m-2).

LAI - Leaf area index, estimated monthly.

LAIMAX - Annual maximum leaf area index.

NEE - Net ecosystem exchange (g C m-2 month-1)

NEEA - Annual NEE (g C m-2 year-1)

NBP - Net biome production (g C m-2 month-1)

NBPA - Annual NBP (g C m-2 year-1)

RLEAVC - C in forest system leaf component (g m-2).

RLVACC - Growing season accumulator for C production in forest leaf compartment.

RLVCIS(1) - Unlabeled C in forest system leaf component (g m-2)

RLVCIS(2) - Labeled C in forest system leaf component (g m-2).

RLWACC - Growing season accumulator for C production in forest system large wood component (g m-2 year-1).

RLWCIS(1) - Unlabeled C in forest system large wood component (g m-2).

RLWCIS(2) - Labeled C in forest system large wood component (g m-2).

RLWODC - C in forest system large wood component (g m-2).

SUMRSP - Monthly maintenance respiration in the forest system (g m-2).

TCREM - Annual cumulative C removed during forest removal (cutting and fire) events (g m-2 year-1).

WD1CIS(1) - Unlabeled C in forest system dead fine branch component (g m-2).

WD1CIS(2) - Labeled C in forest system dead fine branch component (g m-2).

WD2CIS(1) - Unlabeled C in forest system dead large wood component (g m-2).

WD2CIS(2) - Labeled C in forest system dead large wood component (g m-2).

WD3CIS(1) - Unlabeled C in forest system dead coarse root component (g m-2).

WD3CIS(2) - Labeled C in forest system dead coarse root component (g m-2).

WOOD1C - C in dead fine branch component of forest system (g m-2).

WOOD2C - C in dead large wood component of forest system (g m-2).

WOOD3C - C in dead coarse roots component of forest system (g m-2).

WOODC - Sum of C in dead components of forest system (g m-2).