Phosphorus Output Variables

AGLIVE(2) - P in aboveground live biomass (g m-2).

AMINRL(2) - Monthly average mineral P in simulation depth before uptake by plants (g P m-2 month-1).

BGLIVE(2) - P in belowground live biomass (g m-2).

CROOTE(2) - P in forest system coarse root component (g m-2).

CRPSTG(2) - Retranslocation P storage pool for grassland/crop (g m-2).

EGRACC(2) - Accumulator of P in grain + tuber production (g m-2).

EGRAIN(2) - Economic yield of P in grain + tubers (g m-2).

EPRODC(2) - Actual monthly P uptake (g/m2/month).

EPRODF(2) - Actual monthly P uptake in forest system (g m-2).

ERETFA(2) - E (2 = P) amount RETurned by Fire Annually (g m-2 year-1).

ERETGA(2) - E (2 = P) amount RETurned by Grazing Annually (g m-2 year-1).

ERMVST(2) - Amount of P removed as straw during harvest per month (g/m2/month).

ESRSNK(2) - P source/sink (g m-2).

EUPACC(2) - Growing season accumulator for P uptake by plants (g m-2).

EUPAGA(2) - Aboveground growing season accumulator for P uptake by plants (g m-2).

EUPBGA(2) - Belowground growing season accumulator for P uptake by plants (g m-2).

EUPPRT(1,2) - Growing season accumulator for P uptake by forest leaf component (g m-2).

EUPPRT(2,2) - Growing season accumulator for P uptake by forest fine roots component (g m-2).

EUPPRT(3,2) - Growing season accumulator for P uptake by forest fine branches component (g m-2).

EUPPRT(4,2) - Growing season accumulator for P uptake by forest large wood component (g m-2).

EUPPRT(5,2) - Growing season accumulator for P uptake by forest coarse roots component (g m-2).

FBRCHE(2) - P in forest system fine branch component (g m-2).

EFERT(2) - Fertilization: monthly amount of P entering soil pools (gP m-2 month-1).

FERTOT(2) - Fertilization: annual amount of P entering soil pools (gP m-2 year-1).

FORSTG(2) - Retranslocation P storage pool for forest (g m-2).

FROOTE(2) - P in forest system fine root component (g m-2).

FRSTE(2) - Sum of P in forest system live components ( RLEAVE(2) + FROOTE(2) + FBRCHE(2) + RLWODE(2) + CROOTE(2)) (g m-2).

FSYSE(2) - Total P in forest system i.e. sum of soil organic matter, trees, dead wood, forest litter (g m-2).

GROMIN(2) - Gross mineralization of P (g m-2).

LHZEAC(2) - Accumulator for P inputs to 0-20 cm layer from the lower horizon pools associated with soil erosion (g m-2).

METABE(1,2) - Metabolic P in surface litter (g m-2).

METABE(2,2) - Metabolic P in belowground litter (g m-2).

METMNR(1,2) - Net mineralization for P for aboveground metabolic litter (g m-2).

METMNR(2,2) - Net mineralization for P for belowground metabolic litter (g m-2).

MINERL(1,2) through MINERL(9,2) - Mineral P content for soil layers 1 through the lesser of 9 or the number of soil layers (g m-2).

MINERL(10,2) - Deep storage layer for P leached (g m-2).

OCCLUD - Occluded P for the entire soil profile (g m-2).

PARENT(2) - Parent material P for the entire soil profile (g m-2).

PLABIL - Labile P for the soil rooting depth per month (g m-2).

RLEAVE(2) - P in forest system leaf component (g m-2).

RLWODE(2) - P in forest system large wood component (g m-2).

S1MNR(1,2) - Net mineralization for P for surface microbes SOM1E(1,2).

S1MNR(2,2) - Net mineralization for P for active pool SOM1E(2,2).

S2MNR(2) - Net mineralization for P for slow pool SOM2E(2).

S3MNR(2) - Net mineralization for P for passive pool SOM3E(2).

SDRFAE(2) - Standing Dead Returned by Fire Annual E (2=P) amount, including structural and metabolic litter components (g m-2 year-1).

SDRGAE(2) - Standing Dead Returned by Grazing Annual E (2=P) amount, including structural and metabolic litter components (g m-2 year-1).

SECNDY(2) - Slowly sorbed P for the entire soil profile (g m-2).

SHRFAE(2) - SHoots Returned by Fire Annual E (2=P) amount (g m-2 year-1).

SHRGAE(2) - SHoots Returned by Grazing Annual E (2=P) amount (g m-2 year-1).

SOILNM(2) - Annual accumulator for net mineralization of P in soil compartments (soil organic matter + belowground litter + dead coarse roots) (g m-2).

SOM1E(1,2) - P in surface microbe pool (g m-2).

SOM1E(2,2) - P in active soil organic matter (g m-2).

SOM2E(2) - P in slow pool soil organic matter (g m-2).

SOM3E(2) - P in passive soil organic matter (g m-2).

SOMSE(2) - Sum of P in SOM1E, SOM2E, and SOM3E (g m-2).

SOMTE(2) - Total P in soil organic matter including belowground structural + metabolic.

STDEDE(2) - P in standing dead (g m-2).

STREAM(3) - P from mineral leaching of stream flow (base flow + storm flow) (g m-2). (Stored in the Water and Temperature Output set.)

STREAM(7) - P from organic leaching of stream flow (base flow + storm flow) (g m-2). (Stored in the Water and Temperature Output set.)

STRMNR(1,2) - Net mineralization for P for surface structural litter (g m-2).

STRMNR(2,2) - Net mineralization for P for belowground structural litter (g m-2).

STRUCE(1,2) - Surface litter structural P (g m-2).

STRUCE(2,2) - Belowground litter structural P (g m-2).

SUMNRS(2) - Annual accumulator for net mineralization of P from all compartments except structural and wood (g m-2 year-1).

TCERAT(2) - Total C/P ratio in soil organic matter including belowground structural + metabolic (g m-2).

TEREM(2) - Cumulative P removed in aboveground live and dead biomass due to forest removal (cutting and fire) events during the simulation (g m-2).

TMINRL(2) - Mineral P for the soil rooting depth per month (g m-2).

TNETMN(2) - Annual accumulator of net mineralization for P from all compartments (g m-2 year-1).

TOTALE(2) - Total P including source/sink (g m-2).

W1MNR(2) - P mineralized from the dead fine branch component of forest system (g m-2).

W2MNR(2) - P mineralized from the dead large wood component of forest system (g m-2).

W3MNR(2) - P mineralized from the dead coarse root component of forest system (g m-2).

WOOD1E(2) - P in dead fine branch component of forest system (g m-2).

WOOD2E(2) - P in dead large wood component of forest system (g m-2).

WOOD3E(2) - P in dead coarse roots component of forest system (g m-2).

WOODE(2) - Sum of P in wood components of forest system (g m-2).