Water and Temperature Output Variables

ADEFAC - Average annual value of DEFAC, the decomposition factor which combines the effects of temperature and moisture. Expected values are 0.1-0.2 for C3 grasslands, 0.4 for temperate deciduous forests, and 0.9 for tropical forests. Range allowed is 0.01 - 1.20.

ANERB - The effect of soil anaerobic conditions on decomposition; used as a multiplier on all belowground decomposition flows.

ASMOS(1) through ASMOS(9) - Soil water content of soil layers 1 through 9 (cm H2O).

ASMOS(10) - Soil water content in deep storage layer (cm H2O).

AVH2O(1) - Water available to plants for growth in rooting depth of the soil profile (sum of layers 1 through NLAYPG) (cm H2O).

AVH2O(2) - Water available to plants for survival in soil profile (sum of all layers in profile, 1 through NLAYER ) (cm H2O).

AVH2O(3) - Water available to plants for growth in the soil layers comprising the simulation depth, SIMDEPTH (cm H2O).

DEFAC - Monthly decomposition factor which combines the effects of temperature and moisture. See ADEFAC for more information.

EVAP - Monthly evaporation (includes soil and liquid evaporation, and sublimation) (cm H2O).

EVAPA - Annual evaporation (includes soil and liquid evaporation, and sublimation) (cm H2O year-1).

IRRACT - Amount of irrigation water in the current month (cm H2O).

IRRTOT - Annual cumulative irrigation (cm H2O year-1).

PET - Monthly potential evapotranspiration (cm H2O).

PETANN - Annual potential evapotranspiration (cm H2O year-1).

PRCANN - Annual precipitation (cm H2O year-1).

PRCFAL - Fallow period precipitation; the amount of rain which falls during the months after harvest until the month before the next planting (cm H2O).

PTTR - Monthly potential transpiration water loss (cm H2O).

RAIN - Monthly precipitation (cm H2O).

RUNOFF - Monthly runoff (cm H2O).

RUNOFFA - Annual runoff (cm H2O year-1).

RWCF(1) through RWCF(10) - Relative soil water content of soil layers 1 through 10 (range 0-1).

SIMDEPTH - Simulation layer depth (cm). Initially 20 cm. Can increase when using deposition events. The maximum depth is 30 cm or SOILDEPTH.

SOILDEPTH - Depth of soil profile (cm). Minimum is SIMDEPTH.

SNLQ - Liquid water in snowpack (cm H2O).

SNOW - Snowpack water content (not including SNLQ) (cm H2O).

STEMP - Monthly average temperature of the surface soil layer (degrees C).

STREAM(1) - Stream flow (stream flow + base flow) (cm H2O/month).

STREAM(2) - mineral N leached in stream flow, STREAM(1) (g m2/month).

STREAM(3) - mineral P leached in stream flow, STREAM(1) (g m2/month).


STREAM(4) - mineral S leached in stream flow, STREAM(1) (g m2/month).

STREAM(5) - organic C leached in stream flow, STREAM(1) (g m2/month).

STREAM(6) - organic N leached in stream flow, STREAM(1) (g m2/month).

STREAM(7) - organic P leached in stream flow, STREAM(1) (g m2/month).

STREAM(8) - organic S leached in stream flow, STREAM(1) (g m2).

STREAMA - Annual stream flow (stream flow + base flow) (cm H2O year-1).

TAVE - Average monthly air temperature (degrees C).

TRAN - Monthly transpiration (cm H2O).

TRANA - Annual transpiration (cm H2O year-1).