
Given a maximum desired soil layer thickness, modifies the layered parameters such layers are less than the maximum thickness, if possible.

Processing starts at the surface; if the maximum number of layers is reached, processing stops. The actual layer thickness may be greater than requested, since each layer is split into the most number of layers that can fit, up to 10. The original site parameter set is modified if layers are added.

Usage: ThinSiteSoils [options]


-i | --input value Input site file name.
[ -o | --output value ] Output site file name
[ -rs | -replace-site ] Replace the site in the input file. Specify if thinning all sites in a spatial netCDF file. Default is do not replace site file.
[ -ow | -overwrite ] Overwrite the output site file. Default is do not overwrite the file.
[ -ot | --output-type value ] For single sites the output file type; replaces file type from output file extension. 0 = 100 file; 1 = netCDF; 2 = console.
[ -id value ] Input siteID number. Ignored if not a spatial netCDF file. Default if input is a spatial netCDF file is to do all sites in the file.
[ -t | --maxthick value ] Maximum thickness of a soil layer (cm). Default value is 5 cm.
[ -l | --layer value ] Soil layer to modify (1-9); optional. If not specified thin all layers. (valid range 1-10)
[ -rpt | --report ] Make a before and after soil report for site. Ignored for multiple sites.
[ -verbose ] Display more information about processing.
[ -? | --help ] Display application help
[ -v | --version ] Display application information
[ -dcl ] Display the supplied command line options