
The utility ef2csv translates a Century erosion output file (in netCDF format) into a comma-separated values text (CSV) format for import into spreadsheets. To run ef2csv, enter the following command:

ef2csv [options] [erosion file name]

where options (do not enter the brackets) are:

-v Display software version.
-? Display this help information.
-n Do not pause for keypress when finished.

The command-line items in brackets indicate optional items.

If no erosion file name is specified, then no translations will occur. The erosion file name you specify should contain either no file name extension, or the extension "nc" (e.g., "erosion-output.nc"). Any other extension will generate an error message. Remember, the name generated by Century for the erosion output file will always contain the "nc" extension.

The ef2csv utility is copyrighted as shown below, and may only be distributed with the Century/CMI installation package. This utility may not be altered without explicit written permission from the copyright owner.

Copyright (c) 1999 Thomas E. Hilinski. All rights reserved.