Building Bridges for Biodiversity


Meeting Goals, Structure, and Agenda

Travel and Accomodation

Confirmed Participants




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Building Bridges for Biodiversity
The First Meeting of IBOY Project Leaders

June 15th-17th, 2001
Patuxent Research Refuge, National Wildlife Visitor Center
10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop, Laurel, Maryland 20708

Meeting Goals, Structure, and Agenda


General Theme

Meeting Structure

Your Responsibilities as a Participant



This meeting is the first of a proposed series of meetings during 2001 and 2002 that will form a central part of the Diversitas - International Biodiversity Observation Year (IBOY). The meetings will significantly contribute to the overall aims of IBOY, namely to:

(1) Integrate biodiversity research to advance a holistic understanding of biodiversity

(2) Increase communication of science based information on biodiversity to a broad audience, including the importance of biodiversity for daily living and the opportunities for future discovery

This first meeting (June 15 ­17, 2001) will bring together the leaders of IBOY Core Network Projects to:

    (a) share information on their latest activities and findings, across disciplines
    (b) identify international biodiversity challenges that are in need of an interdisciplinary research approach
    (c) receive training on communicating to the media
    (d) develop a press release on their IBOY project and a strategy for its release to the media

Following this first meeting:

  • the IBOY Secretariat will work with project leaders to refine draft press releases, help release them to selected media, at a date to coincide with projects' key activities and findings
  • smaller workshops (proposed) will be held later in 2001/2002 to address 2-3 of the biodiversity challenges identified ((b) above) in greater detail
  • a large meeting (proposed) will be held in the Fall of 2002 to celebrate the new information on biodiversity generated during the IBOY, and transition to the next phase where Diversitas will build on the achievements of IBOY.

The meeting and its products will make a significant contribution to the long-term goals of Diversitas to coordinate a broad research program in the biodiversity sciences at a global scale.

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Day 1 ­ Friday June 15

  • Plenary - Update on the International Biodiversity Observation Year (IBOY) 2001-2002 (1/2 hour)
  • Plenary - Presentations on the status and needs of international, interdisciplinary biodiversity programs (1 hour)
  • Plenary - Presentations (15 minutes: 12 minutes presentation + 3 minutes questions) by leaders of IBOY Core Network Projects on their projects (Information on the nature and timing of key activities, findings and products should also be presented as a hard-copy to Diana or Gina ­ see 'Your Responsibilities as a Partcipant' below)

Day 2 ­ Saturday June 16th:

  • Plenary (morning) - Presentations by leaders of IBOY Core Network Projects ­ continued
  • Workshop (afternoon) - Break-out groups - to identify international biodiversity challenges in need of interdisciplinary research
  • Evening Reception and Dinner - at the house of Dr. Sam Droege, leader of IBOY Core Network Project FrogWatch

Day 3 ­ Sunday (June 17th)

  • Media Communications Workshop , led by Burness Communications (http://www.burnessc.com/)
  • Plenary - Seminar : finding the news in your research and communicating with media
  • Workshop with Break-out groups ­ drafting press releases and developing a strategy for their release.

A small number of invited media will be present at the workshop to interview leaders of Core Network Projects on their work.

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The expected products from this meeting and your responsibilities in order to achieve them are:

(1) Product: A Calendar of key activities and products of IBOY Core Network projects.

This information is essential for the IBOY Secretariat to incorporate your project into the IBOY Coalition Building and Outreach Campaign.

Your responsibilities:
At the meeting, please:

  • on June 15 or 16 (precise time to follow) give a 15 minute presentation (12 minutes presentation + 3 minute questions) on your IBOY project. The information should include goals of the project, recent accomplishments and future activities and products. Information on audio-visual equipment available for your presentation can be found here.
  • bring a1 page update on recent and future activities, findings (anticipated for the future) and products of your IBOY project for the IBOY Secretariat. This must include the anticipated dates of future activities and products. Give this to Gina or Diana as soon as possible.
  • at some point in the meeting, Gina or Diana will discuss your update with you, and put your activities on the IBOY calendar of events.
  • bring an electronic image (on floppy disc) that illustrates your project (e.g. a picture of the research in action, some representative organisms, a graphic, a logo or other publicity material, etc.) (If you have already given us an electronic image it is not necessary for you to bring another, but you are welcome to).

(2) Product: A list of international biodiversity challenges in need of interdisciplinary workshop .

At the workshop, on Saturday June 16th, participants will form break-out groups to identify international biodiversity challenges in need of an interdisciplinary research approach.

Your responsibilities:

  • In break-out groups
    • identify international biodiversity challenges in need of research
    • identify which challenges can be addressed within disciplines and which require interdisciplinary research
    • for each interdisciplinary issue, identify communities, tools and methodologies needed
    • Assess the tractability of the issue for a medium-term research program. (i.e. the likelihood that the integration, tools and methodologies to address the issue can be achieved within the next 5 years)
    • Outline research recommendations for a medium term research program to address the issue
  • Each break-out group will :
    • present its findings to plenary
    • write up its findings at the workshop (above), save them on floppy disc and give them to Gina or Diana.

(3) Product: A press release for each IBOY project on a key events occurring in 2001 or 2002, and a strategy (including date and targeted media) for its release

Burness Communications, a media relations firm based in Washington DC will train leaders of IBOY projects on 'finding the news story in your research,' 'keeping control of a media interview,' and 'writing and releasing a press release.' They will work with each project leader to help identify the key project activity/finding for a subject of a press release during the IBOY and draft a release on this.

Your responsibilities:

  • at the end of the media training workshop, each project leader will provide Diana or Gina with a draft press release (saved onto floppy disc) for their project , a tentative date for its release, and a preliminary list of media to send it to
  • after the workshop, each project leader will work with the IBOY Secretariat to develop and release the press release.

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 June 14 Dinner ­ at the hotel restaurant
 Day 1 - June 15:  
   9.00 Bus from hotel to NWVC (meeting location)
   9.30 - 10.00
Introduction, Welcome, Update on IBOY, Plan for the workshop, Dr. Diana Wall (Chair, IBOY) Dr. Gina Adams (Program Director, IBOY)
   10.00 - 10.30 Plenary: Address on the status of international, interdisciplinary biodiversity research - Dr. Thomas Lovejoy
   10.30 - 10.45 Discussion 
   10.45 - 11.00 Break 
  Part I: Sharing the latest information on IBOY projects
   IBOY Project Presentations
   Chair: Geoffrey Boxshall
     11.00 Michael Donoghue (Yale University): Tree of Life
     11.15 Cindy Lee Van Dover (College of William & Mary): Biodiversity in Deep Sea Chemosynthetic Communities
     11.30 David Marcogliese (Environment Canada): Survey of Stickleback Parasites
     11.45 Alexandrina Sobreira (Science, Technology and the Environment of Pernambuco, Brazil): Pernambuco Biodiversity Assessment and Atlas
     12.00 Robert Meese (University of California, Davis): BRIM-MAB Biodiversity Resources for Inventorying and Monitoring
     12.15 Discussion
   12.30 - 1.30 Lunch
   Continuation of IBOY Project Presentations
   Chair: Hal Mooney
     1.30 Dan Janzen and Winnie Hallwachs (University of Pennsylvania): Inventory of the caterpillars, their parasitoids, their food plants and their gut microbes in a Costa Rican tropical dry forests, cloud forest and rain forest
     1.45 Fred Grassle (Rutgers University): Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)
     2.00 Tom Iliffe and Geoff Boxshall (Texas A&M University, The Natural History Museum): Exploration and Conservation of Anchialine Faunas
     2.15 Mary Kalin T. Arroyo (University of Chile): Mediterranean Flora of Central Chile
     2.30 Patrick Lavelle (University of Paris): Macrofauna an endangered resource in a changing world
     2.45 Discussion
  3.00  Break
   Continuation of IBOY Project Presentations
   Chair: Ivan Hattingh
     3.15 Sam Droege (United States Geological Survey): FrogWatch and BioBlitzes
     3.30 Stefano Padulosi (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute): Enhancing the Use of Neglected and Underutilised Plant Species at IPGRI 
     3.45 Ian Harrison (American Museum of Natural History): CREO - Committee on Recently Extinct Organisms
     4.00 Norbert Juergens (University of Hamburg): BIOTA - Africa
     4.15 David Wake (University of California, Berkeley): AmphibiaWeb
     4.30 Usa Klinhom (Mahasarakham University): Surveying and monitoring biodiversity of cultural forests in North-eastern Thailand
     4.45 Tohru Nakashizuka (Kyoto University): DIWPA-IBOY: Biodiversity Assessment Program in the Western Asia and Pacific Region
     5.00 James Hanken (Harvard University): DAPTF ­ Declining Amphibian Population Task Force
     5.15 Discussion
   5.30 Bus to hotel
   7.00 Dinner - at Hotel Restaurant
 Day 2 - June 16  
   9.00 Bus from hotel to NWVC
   Continuation of IBOY Project Presentations
   Chair: Anne Larigauderie
     9.30 Mark Lonsdale (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation): Impacts of Biological Invasions
     9.45 Diana Wall and Mark Dangerfield (Colorado State University, Key Centre for Biodiversity and Bioresources): GLIDE ­ Global Litter Invertebrate Decomposition Experiment
     10.00 Walter Reid (The World Resources Institute): The Milennium Ecosystem Assessment 
     10.15 Farooq Ahmad (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development): Indigenous Honeybees in the Himalayas: A Community based Approach to Conserving Biodiversity and Increasing Farm Productivity 
     10.30 Discussion 
     10.45 Break 
  Chair: Marvalee Wake
     11.00 Carlo Heip (Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology): BIOMARE ­ Implementation and Networking of large-scale, long-term marine biodiversity research in Europe
     11.15 John Smith (Alliance of Religion and Conservation): Sacred Gifts for a Living Planet 
     11.30 Ivan Hattingh (WWF­UK): ARKive and WOMAD Tour 
     11.45 Joris Komen (National Museum of Namibia): Insect@thon 
     12.05 Discussion
   12.20 - 1.15 Lunch
  Part II: Developing interdisciplinary programs to advance biodiversity research and communication
   1.15 - 1.45 Anne Larigauderie - DIVERSITAS
   1.45 - 2.00 Diana Wall ­ review topics for Workshop on International Biodiversity Challenges in Need of Interdisciplinary Research
   2.00 - 4.30 Interdisciplinary Break-out groups to identify international biodiversity challenges in need of international research
   4.30 - 5.30 Presenting findings
   5.30 Bus to hotel
   6.30 Bus to Reception and Dinner
   7.00 - 10.00 Reception and Dinner at the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary
   10.00 Bus to hotel
Day 3 - June 17  
  Part III - Communications Training Workshop by Burness Communications
   9.00 Bus from hotel to NWVC
   9.30 - 10.15 Plenary Seminar: What is news and strategies for releasing a story
   10.15 - 11.30 Break-out groups: Finding stories, drafting press releases, and developing strategies
   11.30 - 11.45 Break
   11.45 - 12.45 Plenary: Presentation of individual story ideas with the group; refinements through group discussion
   12.45 - 1.30 Lunch
   1.30 - 2.30 Plenary: Continuation of presentations of individual story ideas
   2.30 - 3.15 Plenary Seminar: What does a reporter want and how do I give it to them?
  3.15 - 4.15 Role playing: How to stay in control of an interview
   4.15 - 4.30 Plenary: What's on the horizon for IBOY projects?
   4.30 - 5.00 Plenary: Closing Remarks, Dr. Diana Wall
   5.00 Bus to hotel
   6.30 IBOY Dinner - Private Room of Hotel
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Page last updated June 8, 2001