Event Title: Event Number: Name of Reporter: Phone: Email:
Event Date: Event Time:
Number of Participants:
Describe the area where the Backyard BioBlitz took place:
GPS or topographical co-ordinates General Description
GPS or topographical co-ordinates
General Description
During the Backyard Bioblitz what was the:
Total number of species found, including morphospecies (species you could not identify to species or common name):
What species were suprising (e.g. out of season, invasive, rare, not usually found in that region)?
What species was the "coolest" and why?
Please report any other significant findings:
Please provide a brief report of your event (e.g. description of what happened during the event; what were the great successes; what feedback did you get from participants; what, if anything, would you do diffferently if you held the event again?):
Did you issue a press release? Yes No
Was there media coverage of your event? Yes No
Were Biodiversity Fact Sheets Distributed? Yes No
Were Make a Difference sheets distributed? Yes No
Would you be interested in participating in Biodiversity Month next year? Yes No
We would welcome your comments:
Please send any other information associated with the event (e.g. flyers, pictures, student comments, etc.) to info@biodiversitymonth.org
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Last updated May 24, 2002 9:06