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Modern Mammals

Event type: Other - Class
Hosted by: San Diego Natural History Museum
Date: Classes: May 7, 9, and 14 - Trip: May 16-20, 2002
Time: Classes 7-9 p.m. PST
Where: North-central desert and gulf of Baja California
Cost: $8 - $10

What creatures ruled Earth after dinosaurs became extinct? Mammals! Mammals are found all over the world; they swim in oceans, climb trees, float on ice floes, and live in streams, lakes, ponds, and even our homes! Come play as you have a fun time exploring these amazing creatures. Open to ages 4-6 with an adult.

For more information contact M-F 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. PST:
Wendy Eng-Rytell
Phone: 619/255 0241
Fax: 619/232 0248







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Last updated June 27, 2002 16:02