Backyard BioblitzEvent type: Backyard BioBlitz General Description of area surveyed:
Click here for a list of the birds and mammals found (.doc) What species was cool? Event summary: We had 73 participants and 7 Scientists on hand to help the kids classify what they found. The process is used to count as many species from as many groups of living species as possible in a 24-hour time period. . It was held at 22221 McClellan Ranch Park in Cupertino. This is a 30-acre site with meadows, Oak studded hillside, a tree-lined creek, and a few buildings which we used as headquarters and classification central. The Entomologist that came, Stan, was a student from San Jose State University,
he is getting ready to get his major in Entomology (the study of insects)
with a concentration on Taxonomy (naming insect species). He worked with
the kids collecting in the field, and then at the microscopes, classifying.
He did an awesome job with them, he didn't just tell them what the insect
was, but he asked them questions so they could figure it out and learn
from the experience. Two people came from the BAAR (Bay Area Amphibians, and Reptiles) was
on hand to classify the snake, salamanders, and lizards we caught. He
was wonderful, when a member caught something and brought it up to headquarters,
he would get all excited, and have them show him exactly where it was
found. The bird specialists (two) came early Sunday morning (5:30 am) and went
around counting the birds that were on the property, there were 44 different
species of birds. Including some owls, oriels, and beautiful Western Blue
birds. It was absolutely wonderful to see a scientist working with 5-year old
talking about what they had found, and talking to them as though they
were a colleague. |
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an Event | Events Last updated July 16, 2002 12:51 |