



1st Annual Beall High School Bioblitz

Event Description

Event type: Backyard BioBlitz
Number of participants: 100 students
Event date: May 16, 2002

Event location - GPS Coordinates: 39 38.98N, 78 54.87W
General Description of area surveyed:
School Grounds - a few acres of remaining forest, a freshly cleared area, lawns, power line cut. Habitats - forest, disturbed early succession, edges, grassy lawns, borders on werland area on lower end.

40% cloudy
75° F

Species Found Total
Amphibians 1
Reptiles 0
Birds 9
Fish 0
Mammals 6
Insects 8
Other Arthropods 4
Mollusks 1
Plants 23



Total 54

What species was suprising?
Garlic mustard and multiflora rose are both invasives. Also honeysuckle. All have been here for sometime. The wood frog was a suprise. Pileated woodpecker was a nice sighting too.

Mr. Ken Baxter reports:
This really helped my students get more of an idea of what biodiversity is all about. It's definitely something I will do again. Next time, I think I'll do more preparation of the students. They could use field guides but I allowed them to kind of choose whatever they wanted to find. Next time I'll assign them certain species types and strategies for maximizing their finds.

This is a great start to getting the public more aware of biodiversity. It is strangely enough a difficult concept for kids to grasp and the event helped. This year, more than ever, students responded to a question on the final about the greatest environmental problem facing us today as 'biodiversity.' That is a strong indicator of the success of the event and the focus it provided.







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Last updated June 27, 2002 16:04