



Upper Midwest BioBlitz Week

Event Description

Event type: Backyard BioBlitzs
Number of participants: 4 small schools - 6 students, 6 adults
Event date: May 13 - 27, 2002

Event location - GPS Coordinates: Various locations in Minnesota

50-80°'s F

Species Found Total
Amphibians 1
Reptiles 2
Birds 50
Fish 3
Mammals 16
Insects 34
Other Arthropods 11
Mollusks 1
Plants 152
Total 278

List of species common names (or description) found:
tree frog, American Goldfinch, American Redstart, American Robin, Barn Swallow, Bay-breasted warbler, Black throated Green Warbler, Black-capped Chickadee, blue coot-looking bird, Blue Jay, Broad-winged hawk, Canada Goose, Canada Warbler, Cardinal, Cat Bird, chickadee, Common Crow, Common Raven, Common Yellowthroat, Crackle, Downy woodpecker, Duck, Bald Eagle, Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Screech owl, Egret, Finch, Gold-winged warbler, Great Blue Heron, Gull, Hairy woodpecker, House or Purple Finch, Indigo Bunting, Junco, Killdeer, Loon, Magnolia warbler, Mallard Duck, Northern Cardinal, Nuthatch, Oriole, Red Tailed Hawk (overhead), Red-winged Blackbird, Rose-breasted grosbeak, Sharp Shinned Hawk (overhead), Sparrow, Starling, White Breasted Nuthatch, white tern, Wilsons warbler, Yellow-rumped warbler, Bass, Minnow, Walleye, moss, Wild mushroom, Cedar apple rust (on juniper tree), green algae (in birdbath), green lawn moss, toadstool / mushroom, white fuzzi mold on bird seed, white mold under rock, "black beetle", "green beetle", ant, Bee, black ant, black fly / gnat, bumble bee, carpenter ant, deer tick, Dragon fly, earwig, Eastern Boxelder Bug, Fly, fruit fly, Gnat, Grasshopper, honeybee, house fly, junebug, Ladybug, little grey fly, Meal worm, Mosquito, night moth, red ant, red spider mite, small beetle, small lacewing, Sweet ant, Wasp, white moth, wood tick, Woolly bear caterpillar, Yellow jacket, black squirrel, Cat, chipmunk, Dog, Grey Squirrel, Hamster, Horses, Man, mole, mouse, Rat, red squirrel, vole, white tailed deer, wood rat, woodchuck, Snail, black spider, centipede, Daddy long leg spider, earthworm, grey spider, millipede, pillbug, small grey/white spider, tunnel spider, white worm under rock, wolf spider, ajuga, alyssum, American elm, apple tree with crimson blossoms, apple tree with pink blossoms, apple tree with white blossoms, Arbor vitae, Ash tree, astilbe, Barberry, barrenroot, bee balm, Birch tree, black oak, Box elder tree, bridal wreath spirea, buckthorn, cat mint, catnip, cattails, chives, cinnamon fern, clover, common blue violet, Common Cottonwood, common mullein, common winter cress, coral bells, Cotoneaster, Cranberry bush, Creeping charlie, creeping veronica, Curly leaf pond weed, cypress spruce, Daffodils, Dandelion, Day lilly, dog violet, duckweed, eastern white pine, fern, fescue lawn grass, fir, Florida Yew, foxglove, Goldenrod, honeysuckle, hostas, hyacinth, iris, irish moss, jack in the pulpit, Jacobs ladder, johnny jumpups, Juniper, kentucky blue lawn grass, Lady slipper, lady's mantle, large plant, dark purple stalk, large tree, small yellow leaves, leafy spurge, lemon verbina, Liatrus, liliacs, Lilly of the valley, lobelia, long needled pine, long skinny leaves - flower, Maple tree, marigolds, marsh fern, milkweed, miniature pine, Moss, mums, nettles, new guinea impatiens, northern pin oak, Norway Maple, oregano, osteopermum, pachysandra, pagoda dogwood, pansies, paper birch, peonies, Petunias, phlox, polygonum, pulmineria, purpleleaf sand cherry, pygmy hostas, rasberries, Red oak, Red pine, red twig dogwood, rhubarb, rose, rudbeckia goldstrum, Russian sage, sage, salvia, scotch moss, scotch pine, sedum, shady mountain ash, Shrub rose, small bush, red maple leaves, small crabapple tree- white flowers, small tree- unknown, small tree-like bush-spiky, smooth sumac, soloman seal, spearmint, spiky leaves - weed, Spirea, Spruce, spurge, Stick fern, Sugar Maple, Sumac, swamp grass, sweet white violet, sweet woodruf, tall grass - strawberry-n-cream, thistle, thyme, timothy grass, Trillium, tulips, tutlehead, varigated dogwood, very long leaved grass, very small plant, purple flowers, Violas, Washington hawthorn, Water lilly, Weigela, white oak, White pine, White Spruce, wild blue flocks, wild clover, wild flowers, wild mulberry, wild raspberry, wild rhubarb looking, wild strawberry, wood aremone, Wood violet, yarrow, yellow loosestrife, painted turtle, turtle

What species was suprising?
Indigo Bunting. First time we saw it. And it was really indigo!

What species was the "coolest" and why?
Bald Eagle, because it's the symbol of our nation.

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Last updated June 27, 2002 16:04