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IBOY Projects

Core Network Projects

Satellite Projects

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National Biodiversity Events

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South America

Core Network Projects

Satellite Projects

Follow the icon for a detailed description of each project.


Core Network Projects

Allium: A nexus of global biodiversity observation databases

AmphibiaWeb: An information system for amphibian conservation biology

ARKive: A digital library of endangered species

Assembling the Tree of Life

Biodiversity: Its Importance to Human Health

Biodiversity Resources for Inventorying and Monitoring

Catalog of the wild relatives of the world's crops

Charting and Documenting the World’s Ants and Social Wasps

CREO: A preliminary list of recently extinct species

Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force

DIVA - Latitudinal gradients of biodiversity in the deep sea of the Atlantic Ocean

DNA Bank of endangered species


Exploration and Conservation of Anchialine Faunas

FLUXNET : Metabolic diversity of terrestrial ecosystems

Global Litter Invertebrate Decomposition Experiment

Global Registry of Migratory Species (GROMS)

Global Terrestrial Observing System Net Primary Production Demonstration Project (GTOS-NPP)

Impacts of Biological Invasions on ecosystem function and its economic valuation

Integrated Conservation Biology Curriculum Materials for Tropical Countries

Inventory of the Caterpillars, their Parasitiods, their Food Plant, and their Gut Microbes in a Costa Rican Tropical Dry Forest, Cloud Forest and Rainforest

Lost Worlds: An IMAX film on Biodiversity and Conservation

LITUS - Interactions of biodiversity, productivity and tourism on sandy beaches

MACROFAUNA: an endangered resource in a changing world

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)

OUTREACH: Biodiversity Series - Information for Educators and Communicators

Recovery of Coral Reef Biodiversity Following Bleaching: International Coral Reef Observation Year

Species 2000: Indexing the world's known species

Television Trust for the Environment: Earth Report

World of Music, Arts and Dance Concert Tour


Satellite Projects

Amazonia Landscape Mapping and Biodiversity Estimation Using Remote Sensing and Local Communities Knowledge and Know-How

Aquatic Fauna of the Paraná River System ­ A Baseline for Ecosystem Understanding and Sustainable Use

The Avila National Park in Bloom

BIOPAT: Biodiversity of freshwater fishes in Patagonia

Floristic Diversity of Bolivia – From Collection to Cognition and Conservation

The Howler Monkeys of Cuero y Salado

Inventory of cloud forests in Maquipucuna, Ecuador

Mediterranean Flora of Central Chile

Pernambuco Biodiversity Assessment and Atlas

Stream Biodiversity Monitoring Training Center

Venezuelan Guayana Nature in the Caroní River Parks


Last updated December 4, 2002

IBOY took place during 2001 and 2002 and is now completed. Information on the projects, activities and products that took place during IBOY are available on these pages. Many of the projects are still continuing their research and education activities and links to their homepages can be found on the project pages.

For more information on on-going activities of IBOY's parent organization, DIVERSITAS, see

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