CLITTR(1,1) - Aboveground unlabeled C residue (g m-2).
CLITTR(1,2) - Aboveground labeled C residue (g m-2).
CLITTR(2,1) - Belowground unlabeled C residue (g m-2).
CLITTR(2,2) - Belowground labeled C residue (g m-2).
CLTFAC(1) - Effect of cultivation on decomposition for SOM1. Equals CLTEFF(1) if cultivation occurs in the current month = 1 otherwise.
CLTFAC(2) - Effect of cultivation on decomposition for SOM2. EqualsCLTEFF(2) if cultivation occurs in the current month = 1 otherwise.
CLTFAC(3) - Effect of cultivation on decomposition for SOM3. Equals CLTEFF(3) if cultivation occurs in the current month = 1 otherwise.
CLTFAC(4) - Effect of cultivation on decomposition for structural C. Equals CLTEFF(4) if cultivation occurs in the current month = 1 otherwise.
CSRSNK(1) - Unlabeled C source/sink (g m-2).
CSRSNK(2) - Labeled C source/sink (g m-2).
DBLIT - Delta 13C value for belowground litter for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DEPC - Monthly C gain from deposition (g m-2).
DEPCCUM - Cumulative C gain from deposition (g m-2).
DMETC(1) - Delta 13C value for metabolic C in surface for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DMETC(2) - Delta 13C value for metabolic C in belowground for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSLIT - Delta 13C value for surface litter for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSOM1C(1) - Delta 13C value for SOM1C(1) for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSOM1C(2) - Delta 13C value for SOM1C(2) for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSOM2C - Delta 13C value for SOM2C for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSOM3C - Delta 13C value for SOM3C for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSOMSC - Delta 13C value for soil organic matter for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSOMTC - Delta 13C value for total soil C for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSTRUC(1) - Delta 13C value for surface structural C for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
DSTRUC(2) - Delta 13C value for belowground structural C for stable isotope labeling (per mil).
EROC - Monthly C loss from SOM by erosion (g m-2).
EROCCUM - Cumulative C lost from SOM by erosion (g m-2).
LHZCAC - Accumulator for C inputs to 0-20 cm layer from the lower horizon pools associated with soil erosion (g m-2).
LHSOMTC - Lower horizon total soil organic C (g m-2).
METABC(1) - Metabolic C in surface litter (g m-2)..
METABC(2) - Metabolic C in belowground litter (g m-2).
METCIS(1,1) - Metabolic surface litter unlabeled C (g m-2).
METCIS(1,2) - Metabolic surface litter labeled C (g m-2).
METCIS(2,1) - Metabolic belowground litter unlabeled C (g m-2).
METCIS(2,2) - Metabolic belowground litter labeled C (g m-2).
SOM1C(1) - C in the surface microbe pool of active soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOM1C(2) - C in soil active soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOM1CI(1,1) - Unlabeled C in surface microbe pool (g m-2).
SOM1CI(1,2) - Labeled C in surface microbe pool (g m-2).
SOM1CI(2,1) - Unlabeled C in active soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOM1CI(2,2) - Labeled C in active soil organic matter with fast turnover rate (g m-2).
SOM2C - C in slow pool soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOM2CI(1) - Unlabeled C in slow pool soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOM2CI(2) - Labeled C in slow pool soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOM3C - C in passive soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOM3CI(1) - Unlabeled C in passive soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOM3CI(2) - Labeled C in passive soil organic matter (g m-2).
SOMSC - Monthly total soil organic C in the simulation soil layer, including labeled and unlabeled C from SOM1C(2), SOM2C, and SOM3C (g m-2). This excludes belowground structural and metabolic (see SOMTC).
SOMSCI(1) - Monthly sum of unlabeled C in SOM1C(2), SOM2C, and SOM3C.
SOMSCI(2) - Monthly sum of labeled C in SOM1C(2), SOM2C, SOM3C.
SOMTC - Monthly total soil organic C in the simulation soil layer including belowground structural and metabolic; SOMSC + STRUCC(2) + METABC(2) (g m-2).
SOMTCI(1) - Total unlabeled C in soil including belowground structural + metabolic (g m-2).
SOMTCI(2) - Total labeled C in soil including belowground structural + metabolic (g m-2).
SOMTPC - Total soil organic C in the soil profile = SOMSC + LHSOMTC (g m-2).
STRCIS(1,1) - Unlabeled aboveground litter structural C (g m-2)..
STRCIS(1,2) - Labeled aboveground litter structural C (g m-2)..
STRCIS(2,1) - Unlabeled belowground litter structural C (g m-2)..
STRCIS(2,2) - Labeled belowground litter structural C (g m-2)..
STREAM(5) - C from organic leaching of stream flow (base flow + storm flow) (g m-2).
STRLIG(1) - Lignin content of aboveground structural residue.
STRLIG(2) - Lignin content of belowground structural residue.
STRUCC(1) - Aboveground litter structural C (g m-2).
STRUCC(2) - Belowground litter structural C (g m-2).
TOMRES(1) - Total unlabeled C in soil, belowground, and aboveground litter (g m-2).
TOMRES(2) - Total labeled C in soil, belowground, and aboveground litter (g m-2).
TOTALC - Total C including source/sink (g m-2).
TOTC - Monthly total soil organic C in the simulation soil layer and the surface litter, the sum of SOMTC, SOM1C(1), STRUCC(1), METABC(1) (g m-2).