Grazing Parameters

Parameter Descriptions

Parameter Description Units Valid Values Default Values
FDGREM Fraction of standing dead removed by a grazing event. fraction per month 0.0 to 1.0  
FECF(E) Fraction of excreted (N, P, S) which goes into faeces (remainder goes into urine), where E = 1 for N, 2 for P, 3 for S. fraction per month 0.0 to 1.0  
FECLIG Lignin content of faeces (fraction of C).   0.0 to 1.0  
FLGREM Fraction of live shoots removed by a grazing event. fraction per month 0.0 to 1.0  
GFCRET Fraction of consumed C which is excreted in faeces and urine. fraction per month 0.0 to 1.0  
GRET(E) Fraction of consumed (N, P, S) which is excreted in faeces and urine (should take into account N losses due to leaching or volatilization from the manure), where E = 1 for N, 2 for P, 3 for S. fraction per month 0.0 to 1.0  
GRZEFF Specifies the effect of grazing on plant production:

0 = Grazing has no direct effect on production, except for the removal of vegetation and return of nutrients by the animals;

1 = Lightly grazed effect - has a constant root:shoot ratio (not changing with grazing) and a linear decrease in potential plant production with increasing grazing intensity.

2 = Heavy grazed effect - quadratic impact on both aboveground production and root/shoot ratio; aboveground plant production is increased for moderate grazing and decreasing sharply for heavy grazing levels (greater than 40% removed per month). The root:shoot ratio is constant for low to moderate grazing levels and decreases rapidly for heavy grazing levels.

3 = Option 0 with quadratic impact on root/shoot ratio.

4 = Option 1 with a linear impact on root/shoot ratio.

5 = Quadratic impact on aboveground production and linear impact on root/shoot ratio.

6 = Linear impact on both aboveground production and root/shoot ratio.
