These site parameters control aspects of the soil hydrology submodel specific to DayCent5.
Parameter | Description | Units | Valid Values | Default Values |
KSAT(1-10) | Saturated hydraulic conductivity for each soil layer. A clayey soil layer may be as low as 5e-5, while a sandy layer may be around 0.02 or higher. | cm sec-1 | 1e-8 to 0.1 | |
SWCLIM(1-10) | Amount of volumetric soil water content below the wilting point to which each soil layer can dry. That is, the minimum soil water content = wilting point - SWCLIM. Typically < 0.01. | cm H2O per cm soil | < wilting point (AWILT(*)). | |
RAINHR | Average duration of a rain event. | hours | 1-24 | 4 |
FSUBLM | Multiplier on sublimation amount according to the degree of wind exposure for the site.. For a high exposure site, use a value > 1.0. | 1-2 | ||
ALBSNW | Shortwave albedo of snow. (Currently not used, but still include in site.100 file.) | 0-1 | ||
ALBVEG | Shortwave albedo of vegetation. (Currently not used, but still include in site.100 file.) | 0-1 |