Project authors: Please acknowledge NSF grant number SES-0527481 in your publications. Kathy Galvin and Dennis Ojima conducted a preliminary project, leading to DREAMAR. Products from that project are included here. Publications
Boone, R.B., J.M. Lackett, K.A. Galvin, D.S. Ojima, and C.J. Tucker. 2007. Links and broken chains: evidence of human-caused changes in land cover in remotely sensed images. Environmental Science & Policy 10:135-149.
Thornton, P.K., R.B. Boone, K.A. Galvin, S.B. BurnSilver, M.M. Waithaka, J. Kuyiah, S. Karanja, E. Gonzalez-Estrada, and M. Herrero. In press. Coping strategies in livestock-dependent households in East and southern Africa: a synthesis of four case studies. Human Ecology
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