The global rangeland model G-Range is available for download. Training materials are under development, and will be distributed here. See Boone et al. (2011) for details about the use of the model, and contact Jason or Randy with questions.
Dr. Jason Sircely produced a poster about G-Range results that was presented at the CSU Solution-based Approaches to Sustainability and Development Symposium, April 9, 2014. An extensive sensitivity analysis of the parameters in G-Range was conducted. Two version of those results are available, one suitable for printing (Boone et al. 2013), and another for the computer screen (Boone et al. 2013, rotated). In the version for the screen, landscape pages are rotated to be easily viewed.
Dr. Jason Sircely produced a poster about G-Range, and shared that with colleagues at the 2013 annual program meeting of the International Livestock Research Institute.
The primary product from our initial G-Range efforts is Boone et al. (2011). In that report we summarize the design goals for G-Range, progress made, parameters used in simulations, and outputs. Example input parameters are given, sample output is included, and the general structure of the program code is reviewed. The utility of each subroutine included in the model is described in an appendix, and documentation of the code is provided.