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Some links to relevant funding sources/opportunities are given below:

US Civilian Research and Development Foundation CRDF At the core of CRDF activities is the Cooperative Grants Program (CGP). The program provides up to two years of support for joint U.S. and Eurasian research teams in all areas of basic and applied research in the natural sciences.


East Asia and Pacific Summer institute for U.S. graduate students. The East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes provide U.S. graduate students in science and engineering:  1) first-hand research experience in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand or Taiwan; 2) an introduction to the science and science policy infrastructure of the respective location; and 3) orientation to the society, culture and language. Details on 2008 places will be announced late summer 2007.

The American Council for International Education also has several fellowship opportunities for research work in Eurasia. More information is available from

The Asia Fellows Program provides funding for Chinese scholars to conduct  6-9 months of research (mainly in the field of social science) Deadline for 2007 has passed (12th January).

The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program - "provides opportunities for advanced study to exceptional individuals who will use this education to become leaders in their respective fields, furthering development in their own countries and greater economic and social justice worldwide". Fellowships are available to nationals of Russia and China. Visit the Russian website. Visit the Chinese website.

Social Science Research Council, Eurasia Fellowships provides fellowships for social science research on the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the New States of Eurasia. Fellowships offered annually to U.S Citizens and permanent residence only. Deadline for this year seem to have been extended to Deadline for 2006/07 passed (see website for details for 2007/08).


Summer Schools

ERSA / PREPARE Summer Institute. July 2-11, 2007, Bratislava, Slovakia. The topic
of the Summer Institute is "The Modeling of (Spatial) Interaction".The intended audience for the Summer Institute are PhD-students and young researchers who are active in the area covered by the institute. Deadline for applications March 5th 2007. Awards include travel costs.

Summer School on Environmental Studies in the Boreal Forest Zone, July 14-28, 2007, Fedorovskoe, Tver' area, Russia. Deadline for applications February 9, 2007



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Last updated: 06/17/07.

Colorado State University