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This page lists networks that have a remit which includes the study of land cover, use or change in parts of Eurasia. Please feel free to email us with information on other relevant networks. Click on the link to go to the relevant network website.

Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative

Goal: to develop a comprehensive understanding of the Northern Eurasian terrestrial ecosystem dynamics, biogeochemical cycles, surface energy and water cycles, and human activities and how they interact with and alter the biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the Earth.

Land Use in Temperate East Asia

Goal: to develop a research framework to better facilitate interactions among the research groups actively investigating aspects of land use and land cover changes in the region, and to serve the policy community in order to better evaluate policy decisions on issues related to food security and environmental degradation in the region. NB LUTEA has now finished, visit the website to view outputs or find out about follow on activities.

Northern Eurasia Regional Information Network

Goal: to promote and coordinate the production and provision of Earth System observations for a wide range of user communities in Northern Eurasia.

US-China Carbon Consortium

Goal: USCCC was established on December 16, 2003 in Beijing, P.R. China as a collaborative consortium between American and Chinese institutions that have interests in studying the role of managed ecosystems in the global carbon and water cycles. 

Central Asia Soil Carbon Network

Goal: The CASCANet conducts research, extension, outreach, and training programs in Central Asia on C sequestration in soils and vegetation with a goal to improve soil quality, increase agronomic productivity, restore degraded soils and ecosystems, decrease non-point source pollution, improve water use efficiency, enhance ecosystem C budget, and reduce the net rate of enrichment of atmospheric CO2 by off-setting industrial emissions.



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Last updated: 01/22/07.

Colorado State University