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US-Wide Biodiversity Observation Event

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Biodiversity Meetings

Biodiversity Meetings During IBOY
Meetings Sponsored by the IBOY Secretariat


Meeting to Plan US-Wide Biodiversity Observation Event to Mark the IBOY
November 17-18, 2001

Meeting Background and Agenda





Countries around the world are marking the IBOY in 2001 and 2002 with nation-wide celebrations of biodiversity that link scientists and members of the public.

The National Research Council of the USA, under the auspices of the US National Committee on DIVERSITAS, is sponsoring a meeting to plan a USA-Wide Biodiversity Observation Event. The meeting is being coordinated by the IBOY Secretariat and will take place on November 17-18, 2001 at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, USA National leaders in biodiversity research and education will plan an event that can increase science-based awareness of the importance of biodiversity among the American public.

We hope that the event planned will engage researchers and educators that work closely with the public, for example, from museums, botanic gardens, schools and libraries.


Participants were asked to prepare a 1 page suggestion of possible activities for the US-Wide Biodiversity Observation Event. The suggestions can be downloaded here (pdf).


Saturday, November 17
  8:30 am Dr. Gina Adams, IBOY Program Officer, will meet participants in the lobby of University Park Holiday Inn, Fort Collins for 15 minute walk to meeting location.
  8:45 - 9:00 Continental breakfast
  9:00 - 9:15 Welcome, Introductions and background on IBOY - Dr. Diana Wall, Chair IBOY
  9:15 - 9:30 Objectives of US-Wide Biodiversity Observation Event and charge for the meeting - Diana Wall
  9.30 - 10:00 Review of suggestions for US-wide event
  10:00 -10:15 Coffee
  10:15 - 12:00 Discussion of suggestions and selection of one event
  12:00 pm Lunch at nearby restaurant - The Rainbow
  1:30 - 3:00

Deciding on details of the US-Wide Event - the "who, what, where, and when" of the event

  3:00 - 3:15 Coffee
  3:15 - 4:30

Fleshing out details for coordinating the event - the "how":

  • Local, regional, and central coordination (How will it be organized? Who will be responsible? Timeframe).
  • Developing and disseminating materials (E.g. what informational/instructional materials are needed? How will they be developed and disseminated).
  • Contacting communities and securing their participation (E.g. identifying communities to be contacted and listserves, journals, individuals, etc. for contacting and engaging them).
  • Reporting mechanisms (E.g. how do we: compile information on who is participating, answer participants questions, highlight their activities, network them, compile the results?).
  • Developing media campaign (E.g. Do we: produce media tip sheets for local groups, organize a national press conference, promote feature stories in magazines/television?)
  • Budget and, if needed, sources of additional in-kind support or funds
  4:30 Ride to Hotel
  5:00 Ride to Diana's house for reception
  6:30 Ride to Old Town Fort Collins for dinner at Cannino's
Sunday, November 18
  8:30 am Meet in lobby of Holiday Inn for 15 minute walk to meeting location
  8:45 – 9:00 Continental breakfast
  9:00 - 9:15 Review of yesterday’s decisions – Diana Wall
  9:15 - 9:30 Charge for today’s activities – Diana Wall
  9:30 - 12:00 Break-out groups to draft informational / instructional materials for the event
  12:00 pm Lunch at nearby restaurant - Avogadro's Number
  1:30 - 3:30 Review and refine draft informational/instructional materials
  3:30 - 3:45 Coffee
  3:45 - 5:00 Break-out groups to edit documents or draft other documents as required
  5:00 - 5:45 Review of ideas and materials developed at meeting, and allocation of follow-up work required.
  5:45 Return to Holiday Inn
  6:30 Rides to Coopersmith's Restaurant in Old Town Fort Collins




November 14, 2001


Last updated December 4, 2002

IBOY took place during 2001 and 2002 and is now completed. Information on the projects, activities and products that took place during IBOY are available on these pages. Many of the projects are still continuing their research and education activities and links to their homepages can be found on the project pages.

For more information on on-going activities of IBOY's parent organization, DIVERSITAS, see

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