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Boulder Earthday Celebration

Event type: Biodiversity Fair
Hosted by: Global Response
Date: April 20, 2002

Time: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. MST
Where: Boulder, CO - Boulder Central Park

Cost: Free

Global Response will be tabling along with numerous other environmental groups at a large festival likely to draw upwards of 5,000 people. Part of the event will be a Procession of the Species parade modeled after those that took place in Portland and elsewhere last year.

GLOBAL RESPONSE is an international letter-writing network of environmental activists. In partnership with indigenous, environmentalist and peace and justice organizations around the world, GLOBAL RESPONSE develops "Actions" that describe specific, urgent threats to the environment; each "Action" asks members to write personal letters to individuals in the corporations, governments or international organizations that have the power and responsibility to take corrective action. GR also issues "Young Environmentalists' Actions" and "Eco-Club Actions" designed to educate and motivate elementary and high school students to practice earth stewardship.

P.O. Box 7490
Boulder CO, USA 80306-7490
Phone: 303/444-0306 Fax: 303/449-9794

To receive Global Response "Actions" and "Emergency Actions" by email:
Send a blank message to:

NEW!! Donations can now be made online at our website:

For more information contact M-F mornings till 12:00 p.m. MST:
Mariella Colvin
Phone: 303/444-0306 Fax: 303/449-9794






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Last updated June 27, 2002 16:02