



BioBlitz 2002 - Norwich

Event Description

Event type: BioBlitz
Number of participants: 119 Scientists, 2000+ Public, 26 middle and high school students, 16 nature oriented organizations, 42 other volunteers, 22 media, 5 legislators, 4 city personnel
Event date: May 31-June 1, 2002

Event location - GPS Coordinates: 41.524N, 72.076W
General Description of area surveyed:
Oak woods, red maple swamps, rock outcrops, small streams and ponds, and manicured lawns

Friday: Cloudy with 1 hour torrential thunderstorm

Saturday: Sunny, light breeze

60-85° F

Species Found Total
Amphibians 12
Reptiles 6
Birds 77
Fish 14
Mammals 17
Insects 886
Other Arthropods 91
Mollusks 5
Plants 529



Fungal Plant Pathogens




Algae ((including cyanobateria, diatoms, chrysophytes, green algae, dinoflagellates, euglenoids)


Total 1898

What species is new to the state?
Autecious rust (fungal plant pathogen)

What species was suprising?
Adela ridingsella (Fairy Moth): rare - fewer than 12 in collections in New England

Other significant findings:
Isotria verticillata (Large Whorled Pagonia) - Healthy population (one of the largest in CT) of this Federally endangered species. We also reported that there were many summer mushrooms found - very early for them. Unexpected birds: Osprey, Eastern Kingfisher, Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

Event summary:
This was the 4th annual Connecticut BioBlitz. Once again it was a great success. The event kicked off at 3pm on Friday May 31 with about 90 scientists checked in and heading out to survey. By 8:30 pm a total of 324 species had been tallied. At that time, an hour long thunderstorm interrupted the surveying with almost an inch of rain falling. After the storm passed, several different species were found in abundance. Scientists worked through the night, collecting and identifying. At 10am on Sat, we invited the public to join us to see what we'd been finding. The gun signaled the end of the BioBlitz at 3pm with a total of 1,898 species found announced shortly thereafter.






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Last updated June 27, 2002 16:04