a bioblitz in cleveland's backyard
Event Description
Event type: BioBlitz
Number of participants: 29 Scientists, 175 Public
General Description of area surveyed:
Urban park (Rockefeller Park), including small stream (heavily impacted),
artificial pond (about 1 acre), mowed lawn, hardwood forest fragment
lining stream.
Cool, breezy, sunny
~60° F |
Found |
Total |
Amphibians |
1 |
Reptiles |
1 |
Birds |
42 |
Fish |
3 |
Mammals |
4 |
Insects |
45 |
Arthropods |
18 |
Mollusks |
4 |
Plants |
90 |
Fungi |
0 |
Algae |
10 |
Total |
219 |
Download list
of species found (.doc)
Other significant findings:
219 species in a downtown Cleveland urban park (Rockefeller Park)! We
were surprised at the diversity of plants, and the fact that many were
native (i.e., not just ornamental).
Event summary:
The 175 participants were mostly inner-city school children who arrived
at varying times by bus. We broke them into classes and 1-3 scientists/educators
from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and the Ohio Conservation
Alliance walked them around the park looking for a particular type of
organism (i.e., plant, mammal, invertebrate, etc.).