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An Urban Park BioBlitz in Cleveland


Event type: BioBlitz
Hosted by: The Ohio Conservation Alliance
Date: May 3, 2002
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EST
Where: Rockefeller Park, at Martin Luther King Jr./E. 105th St. Intersection, Cleveland, OH

Cost: Free

The Ohio Conservation Alliance is a consortium of Cleveland area professionals involved in research, education, and conservation. We will host a BioBlitz that will focus on obtaining a count of all living species in an urban park with grass lawn, artificial pond, stream, and forest fragment habitats. We will involve up to three Cleveland city schools (middle and high school students) and teach them how to conduct the count, and instill a sense of stewardship and the idea that every species counts - even in an urban setting! Entomologists, botanists, zoologists, phycologists, and mycologists will be present. This is free and open to public participation.

For more information contact Tuesday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST:
Joe Keiper
Phone: 216/231 4600 x 315
Fax: 216 231 5919






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Last updated July 17, 2002 9:10