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Web Activity

Teacher's Note - Objective: listen to and identify nature sounds in music


Listen to excerpts of music from Before the War, an audio CD produced by David Rothenberg and Douglas Quin. Together, they have interwoven the sounds of nature and the music of instruments.

While listening to the excerpts below, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What nature sounds do you hear?
  2. How do the instruments interact with the nature sounds?
  3. Do the instruments enhance the nature sounds, or do the nature sounds enhance the instruments?

 Take out the Loon!  Kingfishing
 Orchid Angels  Crabs who fall from the Trees into the Sea


Read an interview with Dr. David Rothenberg
Official Before the War Website

Used with permission. Rothenberg, David and Douglas Quin. 2000. Before the War. Earth Ear; Santa Fe, USA.