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Interviews are now online!

Dr. Walter Reid was interviewed for the World Environment Day and the launch of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, June 5, 2001. Click here for the interview!

Dr. Mark Lonsdale was inerviewed for the International Biodiversity Day, May 22, 2001. Click here for the interview!

Who is going to be interviewed?

We plan on interviewing several well known scientists, filmmakers, and writers that are involved with biodiversity.

What questions are going to be asked?

  1. How did you become a (scientist, filmmaker, writer) interested in biodiversity?
  2. What is your favorite animal or plant, why, and how can kids find out more about it?
  3. Why is biodiversity important?
  4. What does the future hold for biodiversity?
  5. Why should kids get involved in conserving biodiversity and how?
  6. What should kids do if they want to work for biodiversity when they grow up?


What will this page look like when finished?

This page will contain the transcripts and sound bytes of the interviews. Please check back soon!