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Test of parallel netcdf4 I/O.

// Code from netcdf test program
// tst_parallel.c,v 1.7 2009/08/19
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
#include "netcdf4"
using namespace::netcdf;
#include "TimerMPI.h"
#include "AssertEx.h"
char const * const fileName = "";
// define a 3-D data block
short const NDIMS = 3;
// slabs sizes to write to data block
short const numSlabEdgeDims = 6;
short const slabEdgeSize[numSlabEdgeDims] = { 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 80 };
void Write (
std::vector<int> const & slab_data,
int const numProcesses,
int const rank,
int const numSlabs,
int const slabEdgeSize,
bool const displayDetails = false)
// Set up slab to write for this process
std::vector<size_t> start (NDIMS);
start[0] = rank / numProcesses * slabEdgeSize; // per-process start
start[1] = 0;
std::vector<size_t> count (NDIMS);
count[0] = slabEdgeSize / numProcesses; // per-process edge size
count[1] = slabEdgeSize;
count[2] = 1;
for (start[2] = 0; (int)start[2] < numSlabs; ++start[2])
if ( displayDetails )
cout << "rank " << rank
<< ": start = " << start[0] << ", " << start[1] << ", " << start[2]
<< endl;
cout << "rank " << rank
<< ": count = " << count[0] << ", " << count[1] << ", " << count[2]
<< endl;
var.Put( start, count, slab_data );
char const TAB = '\t'; // assume 8 char tabs
// line 1
cout << '\n'
<< TAB << "slab"
<< TAB << "slab"
<< TAB << "slab"
<< TAB << "total"
<< TAB << TAB << "write"
<< endl;
// line 2
cout << "rank"
<< TAB << "edge"
<< TAB << "size"
<< TAB << "count"
<< TAB << "data values"
<< TAB << "seconds"
<< endl;
int const rank,
int const slabEdgeSize,
int const slabSize,
int const numSlabs,
int const numValues)
char const TAB = '\t'; // assume 8 char tabs
cout << rank
<< TAB << slabEdgeSize
<< TAB << slabSize
<< TAB << numSlabs
<< TAB << numValues;
if ( numValues > 9999999 )
cout << TAB;
cout << TAB << TAB;
int main ()
int rank = -1;
rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
int const numProcesses = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
if ( rank == 0 )
cout << "\nParallel netCDF4 I/O test." << endl;
cout << "number of processes: " << numProcesses << endl;
cout << "File: " << ::fileName << endl;
// all processes
int nameLength = 0;
MPI::Get_processor_name( name, nameLength);
cout << "rank " << rank << ": processor: " << name << endl;
// init MPI
MPI::Comm & mpiComm = MPI::COMM_WORLD;
mpiComm.Set_errhandler( MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS );
MPI::Info mpiInfo = MPI::INFO_NULL;
if ( rank == 0 )
double cumSeconds = 0;
for ( short n = 0; n < numSlabEdgeDims; ++n )
int const slabSize = slabEdgeSize[n] * slabEdgeSize[n];
int const numSlabs = slabSize / 4;
int const numValues = slabSize * numSlabs;
WriteTableRecord( rank, slabEdgeSize[n], slabSize, numSlabs, numValues );
// create the netcdf file
netcdf::NcFile ncFile ( mpiComm, mpiInfo, fileName, netcdf::NcFile::Replace );
Assert( ncFile.IsParallel() );
std::vector<netcdf::NcDim> dimVec;
dimVec.push_back( ncFile.AddDim( "DIMSIZE1", slabEdgeSize[n] ) );
dimVec.push_back( ncFile.AddDim( "DIMSIZE2", slabEdgeSize[n] ) );
dimVec.push_back( ncFile.AddDim( "NUM_SLABS", numSlabs ) );
netcdf::NcVar var = ncFile.AddVar( "v1", netcdf::ncInt, dimVec );
var.DoCollectiveIO (false);
// make and write data array
std::vector<int> slab_data( slabSize, rank ); /* one slab */
nrel::time::TimerMPI timer;
Write ( var, slab_data, numProcesses, rank, numSlabs, slabEdgeSize[n] );
cumSeconds += timer.stop();
cout << << endl; // complete record
cout << "\ncumulative seconds in Write = " << cumSeconds << endl;
catch (MPI::Exception & e)
cout << "MPI error: " << e.Get_error_string() << endl;
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Abort (-1);
catch (std::exception const & e)
cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
catch (...)
cout << "Error: unknown error." << endl;
if (rank == 0)
cout << "\n all done!" << endl;
return 0;