netcdf | |
NcAtt | Represents a netCDF attribute |
NcByte | Represents a netCDF atomic Byte type |
NcChar | Represents a netCDF atomic Char type |
NcCompoundType | Represents a netCDF compound type |
NcDim | Represents a netCDF dimension |
NcDouble | Represents a netCDF atomic Double type |
NcEnumType | Represents a netCDF enum type |
NcException | Handles the C++ API exceptions |
NcFile | Manages the opening, creating, and closing of netCDF files. Represents the netCDF root group |
NcFileReg | Manages a registry of NcFile objects |
NcFloat | Represents a netCDF atomic Float type |
NcGroup | Represents a netCDF group |
NcGroupAtt | Represents a netCDF group attribute |
NcInt | Represents a netCDF atomic Int type |
NcInt64 | Represents a netCDF atomic Int64 type |
NcItem | Base class for NcAtt, NcVar, NcDim, NcGroup |
NcLimits | Class containing NetCDF limiting values |
NcMPI | Manages data related to the MPI implementation |
NcOpaqueType | Represents a netCDF opaque type |
NcShort | Represents a netCDF atomic Short type |
NcString | Represents a netCDF atomic String type |
NcType | Base class for all netCDF data types |
NcNullType | |
NcTypeUserDef | Defines a non-atomic, user-defined NetCDF4 type |
NcTypeV4 | Class associated with netCDF version 4 data types |
NcUbyte | Represents a netCDF atomic Ubyte type |
NcUint | Represents a netCDF atomic Uint type |
NcUint64 | Represents a netCDF atomic Uint64 type |
NcUshort | Represents a netCDF atomic Ushort type |
NcVar | Represents a netCDF variable |
NcNullVar | |
NcVarAtt | Represents a netCDF variable attribute |
NcVersion | Class which returns the version of the NetCDF4 C++ API |
NcVlenType | Represents a netCDF VLEN type |
MetadataCFGlobal | Class managing global metadata that conform to netCDF CF conventions. A typical set of attributes are known |
MetadataCFVariable | Class managing variable metadata that conform to netCDF CF conventions. A typical set of attributes are known |
NcFileMetaCF | Class for read/write CF-convention netCDF global metadata (aka attributes). A typical set of attributes are known |
NcVarMetaCF | Class for read/write CF-convention metadata for a netCDF variable. A typical set of attributes are known |
NcIndexedGridBase | Class providing an interface to a NetCDF file containing a indexed (packed) latitude/longitude grid |
NcLatLonRecordBase | Class providing an interface to a NetCDF file containing a record-based latitude/longitude data |
NcSimpleGridBase | Class providing an interface to a NetCDF file containing a simple latitude/longitude grid |
NcSpatial | Types and constants for spatial data |
NcTimeSeriesBase | Class providing an interface to a NetCDF file containing time-series dimension and variables |
NcUtil | Utility functions for the NetCDF4 C++ API |