Forest Default File




2                           stratum_default_ID

TREE                     epc.veg.type

0.8                     K_ apsorbtance

0.1                     K_reflectance

0.1                     K_transmittance

1.0                     PAR_absrptance



0.51                     epc.ext_coef                     /* White et. al., 2000 */

0.001                     specific_rain_capacity

0.0025                     specific_snow_capacity

0.002                     wind_attenuation_coef

-999.9                     ustar_overu

2.0                     mrc.q10

0.21                     mrc.per_N

0.2                     epc.gr_perc

1.0                     lai_stomatal_fraction

0.038                     epc.flnr                             /* White et. al., 2000*/

0.03                     epc.ppfd_coef

15                     epc.topt

40                     epc.tmax

0.2                     epc.tcoef

-0.65                     epc.psi_open                        /* White et. al., 2000 */

-2.5                     epc.psi_close                         /* White et. al., 2000 */

610                     epc.vpd_open                        /* White et. al., 2000 */

3100                     epc.vpd_close                     /* White et. al., 2000 */

0.006                     epc.gl_smax                         /* Kelliher et. al., 1995 */

0.00006                     epc.gl_c                            /* Korner et al., 1995 */


1000000                     gsurf_intercept

static                     epc.phenology_flag

EVERGREEN                     epc.phenology.type


12                     epc.proj_sla

2.2                     epc.lai_ratio

1.4                     epc.proj_swa

0.25                     epc.leaf_turnover


365                     epc.day_leafoff                     /* 0 */

20                     epc.ndays_expand                     /* 7 */

20                     epc.ndays_litfall                     /* 7 */

49                     epc.leaf_cn                             /* Arthur and Fahey, 1992 */

96                     epc.leaflitr_cn                         /* Arthur and Fahey, 1992; Stump and Binkley, 1993; Taylor et al., 1991 */



DYNAMIC                     epc.allocation_flag


0.16                     epc.froot_turnover                     /* Arthur and Fahey, 1992 */

0.007                     epc.deadleaf_turnover (for GRASS) OR epc.livewood_turnover (other veg) /* Arthur and Fahey, 1992 */

0.00002                     epc.kfrag_base

0.002                     epc.daily_mortality_turnover * 365

50                     epc.froot_cn                             /* Arthur and Fahey, 1992 */

50                     epc.livewood_cn                     /* Arthur and Fahey; 1992, White et. al., 2000 */

0.39                     epc.leaflitr_flab                     /* Stump and Binkley, 1993; Taylor et al., 1991 */

0.41                     leaflitr_fcel                             /* Stump and Binkley, 1993; Taylor et al., 1991 */

0.2                     epc.leaflitr_flig                         /* Stump and Binkley, 1993; Taylor et al., 1991 */

0.42                     epc.frootlitr_flab                     /* Stump and Binkley, 1993 */

0.38                     frootlitr_fcel                             /* Stump and Binkley, 1993 */

0.2                       epc.frootlitr_flig                     /* Stump and Binkley, 1993 */

0.71                     deadwood_fcel                         /* White et. al., 2000 */

0.29                     epc.deadwood_flig                  /* White et. al., 2000 */

1.29                     epc.alloc_frootc_leafc             /* Arthur and Fahey, 1992 */

0.009                     epc.alloc_crootc_stemc         /* Arthur and Fahey, 1992 */

0.73                     epc.alloc_stemc_leafc              /* Arthur and Fahey, 1992 */

0.071                     epc.alloc_livewoodc_woodc                     /* White et. al., 2000 */

0.05                     epc.maxlgf

0.1                       epc.alloc_prop_day_growth


0.6                       epc.height_to_stem_exp

11.2                     epc.height_to_stem_coef