People Environment Economics Integration
Links for more information:
Conservation Tillage:
Conservation Technology Information Center - a nonprofit public-private partnership working to promote soil and water quality through affordable, integrated management solutions.
Related Research:
Consortium for Agricultural Soils Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (CASMGS) - a consortium of nine universities and a national laboratory investigating the potential of agricultural soils to mitigate greenhouse gases
Montanta State University - Carbon and Climate Change Projects - research on the economics of climate change and greenhouse gas mitigation
NREL Agroecosystem Research Group - research at CSU examining how agricultural management affects agroecosystem biogeochemistry
Non-Profits and Government Agencies:
Farm Service Agency (FSA-USDA) - information about the Conservation Reserve Program and other government conservation programs
Farmland Information Center - a clearinghouse for information about farmland protection and stewardship