Global Litter Invertebrate
Decomposition Experiment
Long Term Ecological Research (LTER), Australia
Site Manager
Forest Entomology
Forestry Tasmania
79 Melville Street
Hobart, Tasmania, 7000
Telephone: (+03) 62338231
Fax: (+03) 62338292
Site Description
The Warra Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)
site has been established to facilitate the understanding
of ecological processes of Tasmania's wet (Eucalyptus
obliqua) forests. These forests are part of the southern
cool temperate wet forest biome. The programs foster multi-disciplinary
research within a long-term framework. The site contains
both working forests and conservation reserves. Appropriate
management prescriptions and practices prevail in different
parts of the site. The main aims are as follows:
- To understand fundamental ecological processes in E.
obliqua wet forests.
- To assess and monitor biodiversity and geodiversity.
- To determine the long term effects of different forest
management regimes on natural diversity and ecological
processes and thus assess their sustainability.
- Where necessary, to develop alternative management regimes.
- To link Tasmanian forest research with national and international
programs having a long term ecological focus.
Site Location![](resources/sitephotosanddata/warramap.jpg)
Site coordinates are: 43 °04
S 146°40 E.
Site area is 14791 ha.
Site elevation ranges from
37 - 1260 m.
Annual Rainfall
Annual rainfall is 1477 mm.
Annual Temperature
Annual temperature ranges
from 3.5 - 12.8° C.
Soil type is dominated by
Jurassic dolerite.
Forest/Vegetation Types
Vegetation type is Eucalyptus
obliqua wet sclerophyll with rainforest understorey.
Ecoregion is marine division
- permanently humid western oceanic broadleaf forests.
Photo Gallery