Faculty & Partners
Colorado State University Program Leads
Dr. Stacy Lynn, Project PI, is a research scientist at CSU’s Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, affiliate faculty with the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainabilty, the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, The Africa Center for Sustainable Dryland Ecosystems and Societies under Global Change, the CSU Water Center, and the Center for Disaster and Risk Analysis. Her research focuses on social-ecological dryland systems of Africa, and has covered topics such as water governance and its ecological implications in NW Kenya, land-use change and impacts for people and wildlife in Tanzania, impacts of conservation policy for people in Tanzania, higher education for development in Kenya, and global applications for citizen science. She received her PhD in Ecology and her MSc in Rangeland Ecosystem Science from CSU, and her BSc in Education from Penn State University. She has been working in Africa since 1994.
Dr. Randall Boone, Project Co-PI, is a Research Scientist at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory and Professor in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University. He studies wildlife, livestock, and pastoral relationships around the world. Randy has been working in Africa since 2000. http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/~rboone/
Dr. Kathleen Galvin, Project Co-PI, is a Professor in CSU's Department of Anthropology, and Senior Research Scientist at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at CSU. She is director of The Africa Center and Associate Director of the School of Global Environmental Sustainability. Trained as a biological anthropologist, she has conducted interdisciplinary social-ecological research in Africa since the 1980's. She is interested in issues of pastoral land use, conservation, climate variability, and resilience and adaptation strategies of people in the world’s drylands. For more information see http://anthropology.colostate.edu/pages/faculty/ and http://africacenter.colostate.edu.
Dr. John Moore, Project Co-PI, is the Head of CSU's Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, and the Director of the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory. His research interests are the in the fields of food web ecology, soil ecology, ecosystem ecology, mathematical/theoretical ecology, and the application of the theory of complex adaptive systems to the teaching and learning of environmental issues. He approaches his work through a combination of empirical field and laboratory work and modelling.
University of Nairobi Program Mentors
Dr. Jesse Njoka is the Director of the African Drylands Institute for Sustainability, and Professor in the Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology Department. He has over 20 years of relevant experience in the evaluation of rural development programmes, specifically those dealing with arid and semi-arid lands development, research and training. He holds relevant academic training in Natural Resource Management fields, and has supervised several postgraduate students who conduct research in pastoral and agropastoral production systems. Professor Njoka has conducted evaluation and development studies throughout the Greater Horn of Africa. He is a long-time partner of Colorado State University's research and development efforts in the Drylands of East Africa.
Dr. Moses Nyangito is an Associate Professor with University of Nairobi's Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology Department. He has over 15 years of experience providing expertise in Animal Resource Ecology, Rangeland Management, and Agriculture for sustainable development and Training.
Dr. Judith Mbau Syombua, Project Mentor, is a lecturer at the University of Nairobi, Department of Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology (LARMAT). She holds PhD in Dryland Resource Management (PhD Project – An analysis of Human-Wildlife Conflicts in the Tsavo West – Amboseli agro-ecosystem using an integrated geospatial approach), an MSc in Biology of Conservation (MSc project “Elephant habitat utilization patterns in Southern Aberdare Range, Kenya”) and a BSc in Botany and Zoology from the University of Nairobi. She has a wide experience in Mammal Ecology and conservation of tropical ecosystems. Current areas of research interest include approaches to natural resource management, Mammal ecology, GIS, PGIS, PPGIS and Human-Wildlife Conflict Management. She undertakes community trainings on integrated natural resource management, and has worked with CSU faculty since 2009.
Mr. Henry Kahi works with University of Nairobi's Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology Department. His areas of study focus on dryland vegetation and soils, with a specialization of Prosopis juliflora invasion and native Acacia tortilis.
Ms. Bernice Mereina, Masters student in soil science at University of Nairobi, and mentor to the CSU EA-IRES Fellows
Ms. Hannah Nyakio, Masters student in rangeland science at University of Nairobi, and mentor to the CSU EA-IRES Fellows
Our Samburu, Kenya Field Team 2016
Apin Yasin, Samburu County Research and Logistics Facilitator
Caine Lemaramba, Certified connector of all people, and translator for the EA-IRES team for interviews with men
Sandra Naanu, Samburu Youth Education Fund graduate, and translator for the EA-IRES team for interviews with women
Gerald, our intrepid driver who gets all of us where we need to be every single day.
Our Simanjiro, Tanzania Field Team 2017
Isaya ole Rumas, Simanjiro Social Science Research and Logistics Coordinator, and Translator. Isaya has worked with the EA-IRES PI since 2003.
Sinjore ole Lupasio, Field Ecology Research Facilitator. Sinjore has also worked with the EA-IRES PI since 2003.
Rumas and Sara ole Lengai, Our amazing hosts and old friends, who are building a new research camp just for us to use in Summer 2017!
Partners: We thank you!
University of Nairobi's Vice Chancellor's office; Principal of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences; and Head of the Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology Department - Our long-time partners in science, development and education; and supporters of the EA-IRES Program!
University of Nairobi's African Drylands Institute for Sustainability - Our Kenyan drylands thought leaders and programmatic facilitators!
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation - Ensure our legitimacy as a research team!
Uso Safaris - Our intrepid guides in Kenya!
El Mundo Safaris - Our fabulous guides in Tanzania! El Mundo Safaris specializes in educational expeditions. Check out their great new website!
Samburu Youth Education Fund - Training the Samburu leaders (and translators) of tomorrow!