
Journals maintain copyright of some IMAS products, while some are very large.
Others we are able to make available to the public over the Web. Selected papers, reports,
and posters from IMAS are shown below:
Papers and Reports on Research and Workshops
- Integrated Assessment Results to Support Policy Decisions
in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania.
The report for the NCA Authority, pastoralists, and others from our second phase of work, known as POLEYC. The
report documents our findings regarding appropriate stocking rates in NCA, cultivation, the balance of livestock and wildlife,
disease control, and effects from human population growth.
- Integrated Management and Assessment FINAL REPORT to
GL-CRSP, 1997-2000.
This document summarizes the GLCRSP IMAS project from 1997 to 2000. The document introduces our study areas,
and reviews our work on ecological interactions, spatial analyses, modeling, human ecology, disease ecology, and
outreach. (The document is 3.1 MB in size; 191 printed pages. To reduce file size, the graphics in the report
were reduced in resolution and will be slightly blurred. A much
larger, alterative file is available for printing, but because of its size (172 MB) you will likely find
the lower resolution version adequate.)
- Socio-Economic Modeling Component Final Report to GL-CRSP, 1997-2000.
This document by Galvin, Thornton, and Mbogoh, and reports on the socioeconomic activities under
the GL-CRSP IMAS project. (0.5 MB in size; 87 printed pages)
- Impacts of climate variability on East African pastoralists:
linking social science and remote sensing. Galvin, K.A., R.B. Boone, N.M. Smith, and S.J. Lynn.
Climate Research 19:161-172. 2001. (We distribute this paper after confirming that the publisher
distributes it over
the web as well.)
- Integrated Modeling, Assessment, and Management of Regional
Wildlife-Livestock Ecosystems in East Africa, a large report of a workshop held
at the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, July 6-8, 1999.
- Assessment of Wildlife and Livestock Disease Interactions in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area of Tanzania, by Rwambo et al., is a
report prepared with IMAS support and used in our disease modeling efforts.
- An IMAS Training Workbook, by Boone, provides the full text and graphics of a large volume used in conducting several-day workshops in April of 2000.
- CRSP Study on Wildlife, Livestock, and Human Interaction in Kajiado District in Kenya: Results of the Economic Study, by Mbogoh et al., is a large, draft report that
outlines socioeconomic and ecological aspects of Maasai households in selected group ranches of Kajiado. As
a draft report, the authors would welcome your comments.
- Savanna Ecosystem Modeling Workshop, held in mid-July 1998. This brief report in-part outlines agreements between East African and US cooperators.
- Implications for Multiple-Use Policy in Conservation Areas, Lynn et al.,
from the USAID GL-CRSP conference in Autlán de Navarro, Mexico, March 2000, and the Landscape Ecology World Congress,
Snowmass Village, Colorado, August, 1999.
- Addressing Management Questions for Ngorongoro Conservation Area Using
Savanna, an Integrated GIS-Simulation Modeling System , Boone et al., from the USAID GL-CRSP conference in Autlán de Navarro, Mexico, March 2000.
- Land Use Trends and Their Effects on Range
Vegetation: The Case of Amboseli Ecosystem, Atieno et al., from the USAID GL-CRSP
conference in Autlán de Navarro, Mexico, March 2000.
Project Progress Reports
Other Project Documents
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