Nkairowua means "The Hot Place" in the Maa language, and is the name of the area where this wildebeest was collared. Nkairowua
was one of two twelve year old wildebeest, the oldest animals the veterinarian, Dr. Domnic Mijele, has aged for us so far. Most of the females we
collared were without calves, but Nkairowua had an older calf with her. The specialists from Kenya Wildlife Service say that collaring Nkairowua
did not interfer with her taking care of her calf at all.
Sex: Female
Age: About 12 years
Collar number: 2838
Collar date: 28 May, 2010
The pathway of Nkairowua, overlaid on a satellite image and on a highway map with topography shown.
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