


Register a Biodiversity Month Event



Event Coordinator
Title: .....First Name: .....Last Name:
Telephone: ..... Fax:
Email: .....Web Address:

Mailing Address

City: .....State: .....ZIP code:

About Your Event

My event will fall under the following Biodiversity Month event category (please check one):



Event Title (no more than 15 words):
Event Date(s):
Event Time(s):
Event Location:

Please provide a brief description to enable the national office to promote your event and place it on the National Calendar of Events. (Descriptions will be posted online exactly as submitted).

Event entry is: ..... Free.......... Cost of Entry
Number of people expected to attend event:

Contact for more information (for the public and media)
Telephone: .....Fax:
Availability (dates and hours when calls will be taken):

Acknowledgement (check box if your response is yes)

The Biodiversity Month is a contribution to the International Biodiversity Observation Year 2001-2002 (IBOY). Acknowledgment of the Biodiversity Month and the IBOY would be appreciated.

The words Exploring Your World! Biodiversity Month will be included in my event.
The words International Biodiversity Observation Year 2001-2002 will be included in my event.
The Biodiversity Month logo will be used in my event.
The Biodiversity Month URL will be used in my event.
I will use the Biodiversity Month posters.
I will use the Biodiversity Month Biodiversity Fact Sheet.
I will use the Biodiversity Month Make a Difference tip sheet.

Event Participation (check box if your response is yes)

My event findings and activities will be reported back to the Biodiversity Month in May 2002.

Biodiversity Month, International Biodiversity Observation Year and the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory are offices of Colorado State University, an entity of the State of Colorado, and as such, no liability protection or insurance of any type is provided to other entities, organizations, institutions, or individuals. All liability protection and all insurances are the specific responsibility of the event sponsor/s, organizer/s, and or host/s.








Register | About | Organize an Event | Events
Event Resources | Biodiversity Facts | Make a Difference | Contact

Last updated April 18, 2002 14:39